Conscious Looks

Conscious Looks

We have spoken with Maider Sagredo Escudero and Amaia Txueka Uria about the Conscious Looks project. The aim of the program is to provide elements and tools to build a conscious look and a critical attitude about the influence of gender relations and consumerist system. Within the program they have worked 3 lines:

  1. Coeducation: Training with 3rd and 4th year high school students and implementation in educational centers of coeducational processes.
  2. Feminist Pedagogies: Training of educators and teachers and organization of the “Congress of Coeducation and Feminist Pedagogies: Looks. Experiences. Networks.”.
  3. Responsible Feminist Consumption: “Harimakila-tik ihesiPedagogical Escape Room.

In the first video, opinions are shared about the implementation in educational centers of coeducational processes with students and teachers.

In the second and last video, reflections are shared about the “Congress of Coeducation and Feminist Pedagogies: Looks. Experiences. Networks.”.

Skills needed:
Audiovisual material, School, Teaching resources